Assassins Creed Valhalla

The third installment in the successful reboot of the franchise.

I have played both Assassins Creed Origins and Odyssey and spent over 150 hours with the games.

So of course I looked forward to playing the third title and as a Nordic person I was delighted that it was set in the Viking age.  

As with Odyssey you get to choose between a male and female protagonist and your story starts with the destruction of your family. 

I found the story in Odyssey more interesting but the story in Valhalla still wanted me to get revenge and kill the perpetrators.

You start the game in Norway but the scenery quickly changes to England where you have to establish a settlement and gain allies.

The game follows the well known recipe where you do quests to conquer an area. In Valhalla the quests are organized in arcs  that typically lead to an shire being allied to you. 

You can then use these allies in later quests.

The game looks and feels stunning. The landscapes are gorgeous and you find yourself pausing for moments to enjoy a viewpoint. The different shires vary in climate and landscape so the games feel less repetitive than the previous ones.   

The game has a lot more content than the previous games had. Outside the main story you can go raiding to gain treasures , travel to Asgard in dreams and experience Nordic mythology firsthand, travel to Niflheim and bring back the dead.

So there should be something for everybody but personally I think the game has too much content. Of Course you can skip the parts that do not appeal to you and complete the main story in about 40 hours.